We’re grateful for the past 8 years of generous business support that has enabled us to increase access, revitalize nature centers, and host student interns in the state parks. You can be a part of this service to Vermonters in this anniversary year!
With the generous support of our business partners last year, VPF was able to:
Provide over 10,000 free days in the parks for Vermonters underrepresented in the outdoors
Invest in hands-on nature education supplies and beach wheelchairs throughout the park system
Fund a paid internship focused on public service, stewardship, and equity in the parks
Finalize the new, free Groton Nature Center
We’re looking to do even more this year and we can’t do it without YOU! As Vermonters, we believe in the value of spending time in nature. With 100 years of adventures behind us and countless adventures ahead of us, now is the time to protect and enhance Vermont’s state parks!
Will you join as a business partner during this 100th anniversary year? As a business partner, you’ll receive recognition for generously supporting VPF’s mission to enhance and protect the parks and park passes to share with your employees or clients. You can review a full list of benefits, as well as recent partners, in this brochure. Your employees, clients, and all Vermonters will thank you as we work together to ensure the next 100 years.